Jammu and Kashmir Government sanctions Rs 1 Crore as assistance to advocates
Last Updated on June 25, 2021 by Administrator
Jammu and Kashmir government yesterday sanctioned an amount of Rs. 1 crore to provide financial assistance to advocates in different courts of the Union Territory owing to the impact of the pandemic on legal profession.
Bar and Bench reported that the additional Secretary to Government of J&K, Department of Law, Justice and Parliament affairs, Ashish Gupta issued a communication along with a cheque of Rs. 1 crore in favour of Registrar General of Jammu and Kashmir High Court in regard to this.
He said that he is directed to refer the letter of grant of financial assistance in favour of advocates working in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and informed that Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of J&K has sanctioned an amount of Rs1 crore as financial assistance in favour of advocates working in different courts of UT of Jammu and Kashmir out of Relief Fund.
Earlier, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court had sanctioned financial support to lawyers and clerks of advocates working in various courts in the Union Territory of Ladakh.
By team SLC, Kaushiki (Chanakya National Law University)