Growing Litigious Trend in country indicates lack of patience in political discourse: Justice Chandrachud
Last Updated on June 21, 2022 by
Justice Chandrachud addressed lecture at the King’s College in London on the topic “Protecting human rights and preserving civil liberties: The role of courts in the democracy”.
In his lecture he underscored remarkable comments on the said topic. He highlighted that the courts cannot be a ‘one stop solution’ for solving any complicated issues and policies in the society.
Democratic society should be solved by way of public deliberation, discourse and engagement of citizens through their particular representatives or by constitution he added.
Talking about Supreme Court he said that the very duty of Apex court is to protect the fundamental rights of every citizens, he added the supporting statement as “it must not transcend it’s role by deciding issues requiring involvement of elected representatives”.
The protection of the constitution fulfills not when exercising role once in 5 yrs but there must be continuous engagement with all the pillars of the democracy he added in the conclusion.
He gave a negative answer for the question “Would the country’s social, political and economic status have been the same but for the SC intervention?”.
On this he discussed various SC judgments and stated about “gender” issues, elaborated struggles of LGBTQ community in front of court and discussed about the rights of sex workers as well.
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