European Commission proposes a declaration on digital rights and principles
Last Updated on January 29, 2022 by Administrator
Written By – Rajnish
In a joint declaration the organs of the European Union: the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission proclaimed the declaration on digital Rights and respective principles titled “European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade” on 26th of January 2022. The aim of declaration contained in its preamble as “to explain shared political intentions. Not only does it recall the most relevant rights in the context of the digital transformation, it should also serve as a reference point for businesses and other relevant actors when developing and deploying new technologies. The Declaration should also guide policy makers when reflecting on their vision of the digital transformation: putting people at the centre of the digital transformation; underlying solidarity and inclusion; restating the importance of freedom of choice; participation in the digital public space; safety, security and empowerment; and sustainability.”
The declaration begins with the “Preamble” and having total six chapters in it respectively: Chapter I: Putting people at the centre of the digital transformation; Chapter II: Solidarity and inclusion; Chapter III: Freedom of choice; Chapter IV: Participation in the digital public space; Chapter V: Safety, security and empowerment; and Chapter VI: Sustainability.
Chapter I by putting people in the center talks about fulfilling the aspirations of the people in new digital world ensuring safety and security and protecting the fundamental rights of the Europeans. This Chapter also talk about “strengthening the democratic framework for a digital transformation that benefits everyone and improves the lives of all Europeans”.
Chapter II ensures accessibility to affordable and high-speed digital connectivity to fair society and union. And use of technology in such a way it units people.
Chapter III advocates for “benefitting the advantages of artificial intelligence by making their own, informed choices in the digital environment, while being protected against risks and harm to one’s health, safety and fundamental rights”
Chapter IV and V talks about participation of the people in digital public place by ensuring access to diverse multilingual contents on the web to promote pluralistic debate to strengthen the democracy and access to digital technology that would be enable to provide safe, secure, and privacy-designed products and services to the people respectively.
Chapter VI promotes the sustainable environment. Talking about designing, producing, using, disposing, and recycling of services and products in a way that minimise the negative environmental and social impact.