October 18, 2024
Animal Brutality: Nature Cruelty
SLC Reads

Animal Brutality: Nature Cruelty

May 8, 2022

Last Updated on October 4, 2022 by Administrator

Written by Manika Gandhi

Nature has no compassion. Nature accepts no excuses and the only punishment it knows is Death.” – Eric Hoffer

India is a land of rich diversity. By almighty’s grace, the country has been inherited with plenty of natural resources and animal varieties. Along with these lines, the country is also rich in culture, religion, knowledge and human values. If we trace back in the history, we will find that India is bloomed with the science of astrology, Ayurveda and worships approximately 33 million gods and goddess. Where at one hand, people here worship each and every aspect of nature including the nine planets, five elements and all species of birds and animals. In astrology, it has been recommended various remedies to remove a ‘dosha’ of a person by giving tribute to the nature in the form of donating things to needy, feeding animals and watering plants and trees. Every year, the country celebrates countless festivals. One of the famous among them is ‘Ganesh Chaturthy’ celebrated in south-western part of India marking the birth of the elephant-headed deity Ganesha, the god of prosperity and wisdom. On the other hand, there have been several cases being reported on animal brutality, ironically, in the God’s very own country: Kerala. About 600 elephants are viciously killed every year by the locals residing here. Recently, a hungry pregnant elephant wandering in search of food reached a nearby village and was thrilled to see a pineapple and as soon as she consumed the same, it exploded in her mouth and damaged her jaw which ultimately led to her demise. The horrific incident came to light by a forest officer. What next can be expected? How humane is this? When asked from the state government, no appropriate explanation has been provided. The case is still under review. Even if the reports turn out to be against the pregnant elephant, no suitable explanation can justify this act of brutality. Its high time now that people need to evaluate the serious effects of hampering the nature, it has its own ways of punishing the mankind which we are all very well witnessing either in the form cyclones, earthquake, locust attack or corona. Kerala, with a high percentage of literacy rate is a proof that literacy does not guarantee common sense. Being a responsible citizen, it is our fundamental duty under Art. 51(a)(g) of the Constitution to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures.

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