March 8, 2025
National Seminar On “Role of Fast Track Court, Special Courts in Delivering Justice to Women” by Child Rights Centre, CNLU sponsored by NCW, New Delhi (Submit by Dec,09)
Law School Times

National Seminar On “Role of Fast Track Court, Special Courts in Delivering Justice to Women” by Child Rights Centre, CNLU sponsored by NCW, New Delhi (Submit by Dec,09)

Dec 7, 2022

Last Updated on December 8, 2022 by Administrator

The Child Rights Centre, CNLU Patna, is organising a National Seminar on the Role “Role of Fast Track Court, Special Courts in Delivering Justice to Women” sponsored by NCW, New Delhi, on 10th December, 2022.

About Chanakya National Law University, Patna

In the State of Bihar, where the seeds of the earliest republic were sown and the crop of democracy cultivated, a need was felt by the government for a university that would provide quality legal education and strive to raise national legal standards to a competitive international level and promote legal awareness in the community, which will lead to the realization of goals embodied in the Constitution of India. Thus, on July 15th, 2006, Chanakya National Law University at Patna came into being under the guidance of its Vice–Chancellor/ProChancellor, Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath, former Dean and Registrar, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. CNLU was established under the Chanakya National Law University Act, 2006 (Bihar Act No. 24 of 2006) and included in sections 2(f) & 12(B) of the U.G.C. Act, 1956.

About Child Rights Centre 

The Child Rights Centre is a multidisciplinary, research-oriented centre of Chanakya National Law University. Its perspective is to provide integrated technical support to different layers of institutional governance at local, state, and national levels to protect child rights through Knowledge Management, Human Resource Development, and System Strengthening. To this end, the Centre seeks to facilitate research support and logistical back-up to the statutory processes concerning the protection of children and provide complementary support to different stakeholders involved in the child rights paradigm. In addition, it seeks to aid the institutionalization of best practices through research, collaborations, training, review, policy suggestions, field research, thereby improving and access to justice for children and promoting research, advanced learning and, advocacy and community action to strengthen child rights laws, policies and practices in Bihar and India.

About National Commission for Women 

The National Commission for Women was set up as a statutory body in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 (Act No.20 of 1990 of Govt. of India) to review the Constitutional and legal safeguards for women; recommend remedial legislative measures, facilitate redressal of grievances and advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women. The Committee on the Status of Women in India (CSWI) recommended that a National Commission for women be set up nearly two decades ago to fulfil the surveillance functions to facilitate the redressal of grievances and accelerate women’s socio-economic development. 

About Seminar

The event’s main objective is to identify the real issues that hinder the realization of the objectives visualized when setting up Fast track courts in India. To assess the support provided by state machinery in setting up and operating Fast track courts in their states and to check and impart awareness to stakeholders. It also suggests ways to make the Scheme for women more successful.  

Objectives of the Seminar 

  • Creating and assessing awareness among participants about the objective and utility of special fast-track courts.
  • To facilitate the exchange of ideas about the problems encountered by state machinery in setting up Fast track special courts for the quick and efficient disposal of criminal cases against women and children.
  • An opportunity to critically analyze the importance of Fast Track Courts in Bihar.
  • To identify the issues hindering the implementation of Fast track courts based on the opinions of legal luminaries.
  • We look forward to collaborating to suggest measures that will improve the efficiency of the Fast track special courts and make the scheme more successful.


Role of Fast Track Courts, Special Courts in delivering justice to Women 


Those interested in law, humanities, and social sciences, academicians, researchers, NGOs, members of the bar and bench, and the investigating wing of the police.

About Call for Papers 

The seminar is open to Research papers, Concept notes, and working papers relating to the Seminar’s theme are invited for discussion and participation. 

Submission Guidelines 

The Submissions are to be made in MS Word format only and are to be submitted through this link. Font- “Times New Roman,” Font size –“12pt”, Line space-“1.5” Reference should be in the 20th edition Harvard Bluebook. Maximum of 2 authors permitted per submission. Plagiarism in any form is strictly forbidden. 

Key Speakers

  1. Ratna Appnender, a lawyer, is practising in the Supreme Court, High Court, and Trials Court in New Delhi. 
  2. Dr. Sangeet Kumar, Assistant Professor and Head, Marwari College, Bhagalpur
  3. Dr. Yogendra Kumar Verma, Head, Department of Law, Patna University

How to Register? 

Interested candidates may register for the seminar through the link provided at the end of this post. Participation will be confirmed upon fulfilling submission requirements. Participants’ kits and certificates will be provided to all participants. Lunch and refreshments will be arranged for all participants. 

Registration Link

Click here to register for the seminar.

Registration fee

No Registration fees


  • Best paper: 1500 INR 
  • 2nd Best Paper: 1000 INR 
  • 3rd Best Paper: 500 INR 

Submission Deadline 

09th December 2022

Seminar Date

10th December 2022


10:00 am to 4:00 pm


Chanakya National Law University, Patna, Bihar

Contact Information 

For queries, kindly contact the following 

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