March 9, 2025
Supreme Court orders Amicus Curiae proposals on MACT compensation, Gujarat HC petition.
Supreme Court

Supreme Court orders Amicus Curiae proposals on MACT compensation, Gujarat HC petition.

Jan 25, 2025

Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by NewsDesk SLC

The Supreme Court ordered the Amicus Curiae to submit proposals for steps to be made on the question of a substantial amount of money, lies in court courts for accidents (MACT) and the courts, and deprived the recipient of their compensation. July 8 justice bench Abhay S. OKA and justice Augustine George Masih launched a petition Suo Moto. In the beginning, the main advocate Meenakshi Arara appeared for the Gujarat High Court that the person who sent the petition was retired by a district judge and has already filed a written action for the public interest at the High Court in the Gujarat.

 The justice of the eye said: “In any case, it is a problem, Mr. India. Now you will tell us what process should be followed, as the applicant’s details will be available to respecting tribunals ”. The court said, “Why don’t the applicants register to take money? Just suggest us. Let us assume that we are given instructions that at the time of liquidation a written petition under the Act on Motor Vehicles or the Act on Replacement of Staff must be done. Can the instructions be issued? “The leader replied that the instructions were necessary to ensure that the money was reached by a person who was entitled to it is the whole idea.

The bench stated: “Normally in the Reward Reward Act (compensation) will be stored in advance. There is a period of appeal, so some instructions need to be issued. Just find out and help us. These instructions can be used in all other countries, ”the court expressed its concerns and said,“ There may be very real candidates who are entitled to these amounts, but perhaps for poverty or any reasons they are able to withdraw. ”

In order to be interested in the bench Arary, there have been many cases of migration, because it is very often workers and according to the law on remuneration of the worker they return to their superior and then do not follow the matter. In view of the court, the court asked the manager of the legal representative to help the bench.

“Something must be done when the court is awarded the price,” he said. Aire suggested, “One will have to put your mind on it. There should be alternative addresses that should be given for a permanent place of residence. There is therefore an alternative way. “In accordance with this, the court asked the High Court of the High Court to help him as Amicus Curiae to record some proposals and plan a matter for further assessment 2. September.

At the last hearing, the court stated that the main judge of India D.Y. Chandrachud ordered the thing based on the e -e -mail received by the court on May 25, 2024. The courts. E -mail further said that in the state Gujarat itself, Rs. 2000 Crore is stored on compensation and no effort to monitor the recipients of compensation has been made. As a result, the court issued a notice of the Gujarat State through the Minister of Legal and Justice and CEO of the Gujarate High Court with a returned date of July 26, 2024. “For the time of being. , The Ministry of Law and Justice and General Secretary of the Government High Court. Courts and Work in the State.

“Meanwhile, the law and justice of SECA and the CEO of the High Court will take steps to collect data on remuneration of the imposed court for claims for state cars and in terms of labor courts”.

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