March 9, 2025
Kerala HC expresses displeasure at the increasing Human-Animal conflict
Supreme Court

Kerala HC expresses displeasure at the increasing Human-Animal conflict

Sep 28, 2023

Last Updated on September 28, 2023 by News Desk

Issue:- The bench was considering the Suo Moto PIL “In re Bruno” to monitor the state action in the instances of Animal cruelty where the court was hearing the application for vacating to stay the boating activities at the Anayirangal dam.

Analysis:-The boating in Anayirangal Dam was functioned by a society named ‘Kerala Hydel Tourism’.  Based on submissions made by Amicus Curiae T.C Suresh Menon, the court had imposed a stay on the operation and continuance of the boating activities.

The society’s counsel submitted that pedal boats and speed boats would not damage the wildlife in the area.

The court dismayed, said that even if the sound of the speed is nothing to us, it may be not so for the animals. The attempt that is being made here is the reduction of any possible intervention by humans into the wildlife.

The Division Bench said that humans are occupying space that animals have and we are expecting them to live by the laws we make and decide their rights, as observed by Justice A.K Jayasankaran Nambiar and Justice Gopinath P.  

Justice Gopinath said that he had heard of news, where 15-20 crocodiles died due to the music program that was happening in the hotel nearby

Judgment:- The court had asked for concrete opinions and had directed the Senior Advocate Ramesh Babu and Amicus Curiae Menon to place the opinions in the next hearing.

Case Title:- In Re: Bruno WP(C) 13204/ 2021

Written By:- Shianjany Pradhan (@SHIANJANYPRADHAN)

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