Delhi High Court prohibits recording of live streaming of court proceedings
Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by Administrator
Written by – Srijan
Delhi High court recently notified that there should be no recording done of live streaming of court proceedings or any other court under its supervision. If any person does so, he will be punished under The Copyright Act, IT act and Contempt of court.
As per the rules, in case the judge concerned on the bench doesn’t desire to live stream while dictating the order/oral judgement, live streaming will be paused during that period and the monitor will display a message: “order-dictation in process.” Likewise during break or recess, the streaming will be paused and the monitor will display the message: “Court not in-session.”
This new rule covers all persons including print and electronic or social media platforms and prohibits sharing, recording or disseminating the content.
Rule say that any party or litigant-in person accessing the live stream will be bound the orders of the court and recording, publishing, modification should not be done without the prior written permission of the Court.
Court said that “No person shall use a recording device for transcribing the proceedings other than those authorised by the Court.” The bench may in such cases direct seizure of the recording device.
Court also said that “Recordings that are uploaded will be made accessible for differently abled persons.”
[Live Streaming and Recording of Court Proceedings Rules, High Court of Delhi]